Since 2011 CivilCorp has been the engineer of record for the Port of Victoria.
We offer high quality, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing designs that provide for future growth and expansion. We consistently review local regulations, applicable codes, and various geometric design criteria and standard methods for designing and developing plans and specifications. We also participate in regional mobility committees and professional organizations to stay up to date on current planning goals.
CivilCorp successfully handles design and preparation of contract documents, US Army Corps of Engineers permitting, procurement of construction services, construction administration services, and additional support services, all for the Port of Victoria.
Communication and scheduling are key components to a successful project. With every project, CivilCorp establishes a milestone schedule and shares it with all parties involved to ensure that the delivery dates and expectations are met.
CivilCorp staff has been involved with local communities, public and private businesses and governmental agencies throughout the state of Texas for over 30 years. Our clients have come to depend on the expert advice, sound engineering and surveying and top-quality projects that CivilCorp delivers each and every time.